Through intentional sickness, confusion, division, election fraudand over taxation they have us scrambling just to survive.
It all changes now! We The People hold all the Power!
We must fix the Micro and the Macro will fix itself.
Our objective in regard to RYO (remember your Oath) is to be the largest Unified force on the planet that demonstrates why We The People hold all the power:
We will support all Sheriffs and Civil Servants that are active in defending the Constitution as they solemnly swore an oath to do.
Those who choose to ignore or act outside of their constitutional obligation,will be held accountable by WTP, legally, financially and through massive public pressure and exposure. do you participate?
Step 1) Be counted: The powers that be must see that we have power in numbers... so simply place your email address in the field supplied and click enter.
Step 2) Stand Up: It's as simple as displaying at no cost to you a bumper sticker, flyer or wearing a Garment or Hat with the Remember your Oath message on it.
Step 3) Join the Remember Your Oath app. (COMING SOON!)
If you want to take "MEGA ACTION", click the button below. This may include attending a protest, participating in a boycott/buycott of businesses, sending and or delivering affidavits, holding meetings with Sheriffs and other Civil Servants, learning how to speak at public meetings, being an admin, moderator or volunteeror even donating to our cause to help hold the civil servants feet to the fire.
So...let’s come together to end Tyranny Now. It could never be more simple than this!